Updated Exam Policies During COVID-19
Keeping candidates safe is our top priority.As you plan for the October and November 2020 Financial Risk Manager(FRM®)and Energy Risk Professional(ERP®)Exams,we wanted to reiterate that GARP's top priority is the safety of all candidates.During this period of uncertainty,we are taking extra steps to safeguard your health and well-being when taking Exams.
To help ensure the safety of our candidates and staff on exam day,we have put additional testing procedures in place.They will be strictly enforced.
In accordance with the recommendations from the World Health Organization(WHO),exam centers will have increased distance between candidates.All candidates are required to keep a safe distance of 6ft(1.82 meters)away from one another.
If a candidate does not maintain a safe social distance,the proctor will give the candidate a warning.After the third warning,an Exam Policy Violation will be completed,and the candidate will promptly be dismissed from the exam room.
All candidates and staff will be required to wear GARP-provided protective masks for the duration of the exam session.Candidates will check in and be seated wearing their own personal masks.Once all candidates are seated,proctors will distribute the GARP-provided masks.After distribution,candidates will swap their own mask with the GARP-provided mask.Candidates must place their personal masks face down on their desk.Candidates are not permitted to touch or use their personal masks during the exam session.Proctors will closely monitor candidates to ensure that candidates do not touch or use their personal masks during the exam.
Candidates will not be allowed to remove the GARP-provided mask or use their own mask until they have left the test site.Candidates must ensure proper mask etiquette,with the mask fully covering both their nose and mouth.If a candidate refuses to wear the GARP-provided mask,he/she will not be permitted to sit for the exam,an Exam Policy Violation will be completed,and the candidate will be dismissed from the exam room.
If a candidate does not wear their mask properly or removes the GARP provided mask during the exam,including while in the exam room,restroom,or other public areas,the proctor will give the candidate a warning.After the third warning,an Exam Policy Violation will be completed,and the candidate will promptly be dismissed from the exam room.
If you are required to wear a special mask for medical reasons,you must contact ADA@garp.com on or before October 15,2020 so special permission can be granted.
The World Health Organization(WHO)has stated“Medical gloves are recommended to be worn for two main reasons:1.To reduce the risk of contamination of health-care workers hands with blood and other body fluids.2.To reduce the risk of germ dissemination to the environment and of transmission from the health-care worker to the patient and vice versa,as well as from one patient to another”.
Based on the above recommendation from WHO,gloves will not be provided to candidates.If candidates would like to bring and use their own gloves,they may do so.However,the gloves must be transparent and will be inspected by the staff.
Candidates will be allowed to bring their own hand sanitizer with them on exam day.The bottle cannot be more than 2fl oz(59ml).The bottle must be kept UNDER a candidate’s seat during the Exam,preferably in a transparent bag.Should a candidate choose to use the hand sanitizer during the exam,they must do so outside the exam room.
Lastly,we remind you of the following unchanged procedures that will be strictly enforced:
Candidates will receive two GARP pencils to use during the exam.No other writing instruments are permitted.After the exam please take the pencils with you as they are yours to keep.
Food and drinks may be kept UNDER a candidate’s seat during the Exam,preferably in a transparent bag.However,all food and drink must be consumed outside the exam room.
考生可以携带自带的洗手液。瓶子不能超过2fl oz(59ml)。在考试期间,必须将瓶子放在候选人的座位下,最好放在透明的袋子里。如果考生在考试期间选择使用洗手液,则必须在考场外使用。